Official Gamesheet

Planet Ice NIHL

league logo
Competition Planet Ice NIHL National Division 2024/25 Place Telford Ice Rink, International Way, Telford, TF3 4JQ Date 29.09.2024 Start 18:00 (UTC) Attendance 605 Gameday
Home (A) Telford Tigers
No. Name Pos. G A PIM
30 DAY Brad GK 0 0 0
34 BLOOR Matthew GK 0 0 0
3 LEESE Ryan D 0 0 0
4 HARDING Adam F 0 0 0
6 KÄÄRIÄINEN Noah D 0 1 0
8 PRICE Jake D 0 0 0
13 FERGUSON Harry A F 0 0 2
16 HOWELLS Finley A F 0 0 0
18 ASTON Joseph F 0 0 0
23 YOKOYAMA Zachary F 0 0 5
26 FIELDER Deakan D 0 0 2
27 LANDSBERGS Edgars F 0 0 0
28 SKOLESKI Devon F 1 2 0
38 BYRNE Thomas F 0 0 0
39 NEWELL Louie F 0 0 0
49 SMITH James F 0 0 2
61 GOODISON Corey D 0 1 0
77 MCKENZIE Scott C F 1 0 2
91 MITCHELL-KING Rhodes D 1 1 0
94 LUKA Vladimír F 0 1 0
# Time G A1 A2 GS P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6
1 02:21 28 91 94 5/4 28 91
2 24:55 77 28 6 5/5 77 28 6
3 39:21 91 61 28 5/5 91 28 61
Time No. Min Penalty Start End
09:54 26 2 INTRF 09:54 11:54  
33:18 23 5 FIGHT 33:18 38:18  
39:34 13 2 ROUGH 39:34 41:34  
39:34 49 2 ROUGH 39:34 41:34  
43:29 77 2 CROSS 43:29 45:29  
Team Manager: Richard Mothersdale 29.09.2024 14:58:12 Head Coach: Tom Watkins Assistant Coach: Jason Silverthorn
Visitor (B) Berkshire Bees
No. Name Pos. G A PIM
42 WRIGHT Max GK 0 0 0
36 SHEPHERD Brett GK 0 0 0
2 ROSBOTTOM Adam F 1 0 0
9 ANTONOV Vanya F 0 2 0
13 MITCHELL Marcus D 0 0 2
15 CATHCART Tyton D 0 0 2
16 ERSKINE Adam F 0 0 0
19 STEAD William F 0 0 4
21 BALAZ Marcel F 4 1 2
23 GABAJ Dominik F 1 1 2
24 ROSE Dan A F 0 1 0
71 KELLY Joshua D 0 1 7
74 MORRIS Liam A DF 0 2 0
91 HEMMINGS-MAHER Oliver F 0 1 0
94 MOGG Stuart C D 0 2 0
# Time G A1 A2 GS P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6
1 12:02 21 24 9 5/5 21 24
2 12:46 21 94 74 5/5 21 94
3 36:28 21 91 5/5 21 91
4 41:19 2 21 74 4/5 2 21 74
5 45:46 23 9 94 5/5 23 9 94
6 58:35 21 23 71 5/5 21 23 71
Time No. Min. Penalty Start End
02:14 15 2 HO-ST 02:14 02:21  
33:18 71 2 HI-ST 33:18 35:18 (15)
33:18 71 5 FIGHT 33:18 38:18  
39:34 13 2 ROUGH 39:34 41:34  
39:34 19 2 ROUGH 39:34 41:34  
39:34 23 2 BOARD 39:34 41:34  
43:29 19 2 DIVE 43:29 45:29  
46:06 21 2 DELAY-THR 46:06 48:06  
Team Manager: Steve Merry 29.09.2024 16:46:30 Head Coach: Ashley Tait Assistant Coach: Steve Merry
Game Summary Saves Goalie Summary Goalie Changes
1 1:2 11:8 2:2 1:0 0:0
2 2:1 15:10 9:13 0:0 0:0
3 0:3 17:6 2:4 0:0 0:1
TOTAL 3:6 43:24 13:19 1:0 0:1
6       10      
9       13      
3       17      
18       40      
No. A Min GA No. B Min GA
30 58:25 5 42 60:00 3
Local start time: 18:00 Local end time: 20:26
Timeout A: 57:17 Timeout B:
00:00 30 42
58:35 30 42
60:00 -- --
Referee: Roy Hamilton (UK) Referee 2: Stephen Matthews (UK) Goal judge: Doctor:
Scorekeeper: Nicola Kelsall (TEL SK) Linesmen: Eathan Arnold (UK), Oliver Finch (UK) Supervisor: Timekeeper: Chris Kelsall
Sign. Team A: Richard Mothersdale (TEL) 29.09.2024 22:24:45 Sign. Team B: Steve Merry (BEE) 29.09.2024 22:10:59 Sign. Referee 1: Roy Hamilton (R) 30.09.2024 22:52:46 Sign. Referee 2: Stephen Matthews (R) 29.09.2024 23:20:01
printed: 00:47:17 01.04.2025


league logo
Telford Tigers
Berkshire Bees
Telford Ice Rink, International Way, Telford, TF3 4JQ
Telford Tigers
GK1 30   DAY Brad   GK2 34   BLOOR Matthew   GK3      
1 RD 6   KÄÄRIÄINEN Noah   91   MITCHELL-KING Rhodes   LD
RW 23   YOKOYAMA Zachary   28   SKOLESKI Devon   16   HOWELLS Finley   LW
2 61   GOODISON Corey   8   PRICE Jake  
94   LUKA Vladimír   4   HARDING Adam   77   MCKENZIE Scott  
3 3   LEESE Ryan   26   FIELDER Deakan  
13   FERGUSON Harry   39   NEWELL Louie   49   SMITH James  
27   LANDSBERGS Edgars   38   BYRNE Thomas   18   ASTON Joseph  
Head Coach: Tom Watkins
Berkshire Bees
GK1 42   WRIGHT Max   GK2 36   SHEPHERD Brett   GK3      
1 RD 13   MITCHELL Marcus   94   MOGG Stuart   LD
RW 19   STEAD William   23   GABAJ Dominik   2   ROSBOTTOM Adam   LW
2 71   KELLY Joshua   15   CATHCART Tyton  
16   ERSKINE Adam   21   BALAZ Marcel   9   ANTONOV Vanya  
3       74   MORRIS Liam  
24   ROSE Dan   91   HEMMINGS-MAHER Oliver        
Head Coach: Ashley Tait
Referee Referee Linesman Linesman
Roy Hamilton (UK) Stephen Matthews (UK) Eathan Arnold (UK) Oliver Finch (UK)
printed: 00:47:17 01.04.2025

Team Game Rosters

league logo
Telford Tigers
Berkshire Bees
Telford Ice Rink, International Way, Telford, TF3 4JQ
Telford Tigers Berkshire Bees
Pos. No. Name Status Date of birth Starting six
GK 30 DAY Brad Homegrown 24.06.1994 X
GK 34 BLOOR Matthew Homegrown 06.11.2004
D 3 LEESE Ryan Homegrown 13.05.2007
F 4 HARDING Adam Homegrown 03.01.1993
D 6 KÄÄRIÄINEN Noah Homegrown 04.03.2007 X
D 8 PRICE Jake Homegrown 27.03.2000 X
F 13 FERGUSON Harry A Homegrown 13.03.1999 X
F 16 HOWELLS Finley A Homegrown 26.12.2002
F 18 ASTON Joseph Homegrown 02.01.1997
F 23 YOKOYAMA Zachary Non-Homegrown 23.08.2001
D 26 FIELDER Deakan Homegrown 11.04.2000
F 27 LANDSBERGS Edgars Homegrown 09.04.1999 X
F 28 SKOLESKI Devon Non-Homegrown 15.09.1997
F 38 BYRNE Thomas Homegrown 08.05.2004
F 39 NEWELL Louie Homegrown 15.09.2003 X
F 49 SMITH James Homegrown 29.06.1994
D 61 GOODISON Corey Homegrown 08.05.1997
F 77 MCKENZIE Scott C Homegrown 08.06.1986
D 91 MITCHELL-KING Rhodes Homegrown 26.06.2003
F 94 LUKA Vladimír Non-Homegrown 07.03.1982
Pos. No. Name Status Date of birth Starting six
GK 42 WRIGHT Max Non-Homegrown 13.02.1999 X
GK 36 SHEPHERD Brett Homegrown 17.09.2000
F 2 ROSBOTTOM Adam Homegrown 16.05.1996 X
F 9 ANTONOV Vanya Homegrown 12.05.1997
D 13 MITCHELL Marcus Homegrown 04.01.1998 X
D 15 CATHCART Tyton Homegrown 29.11.2003
F 16 ERSKINE Adam Homegrown 10.02.2005
F 19 STEAD William Homegrown 10.09.1998 X
F 21 BALAZ Marcel Non-Homegrown 13.10.1988
F 23 GABAJ Dominik Non-Homegrown 18.12.1992 X
F 24 ROSE Dan A Homegrown 16.12.1991
D 71 KELLY Joshua Homegrown 23.04.2000
DF 74 MORRIS Liam A Homegrown 07.04.1995
F 91 HEMMINGS-MAHER Oliver Homegrown 08.02.2006
D 94 MOGG Stuart C Homegrown 01.08.1994 X
Team Manager Team Manager
printed: 00:47:17 01.04.2025